The Steelers' Ben Roethlisberger acknowledged some quarterbacks get more calls than others in an interview with Jim Rome. "I think in part because the league doesn't want certain games to be played without certain quarterbacks," Roethlisberger said. "No offense to the other Patriots, but who's gong to watch the Patriots without Tom Brady and the Saints without Drew Brees. That's the way it is. They want to protect those guys because they are the marquee guys of this league, and you don't want them to get hurt." Does Roethlisberger think the league speaks to the officials about such things? "That's a good question," he said. "I think they know who are the marquee guys and they want to protect them." Roethlisberger said he isn't complaining about the lack of calls. "Because the first time they throw a flag is when a guy is just holding onto me, and I know I can break a tackle," he said. Source:
I think when Brady went down and Cassel came in they were fine with ratings. They just don't want to defend QB's that rape snitches......sorry. Had to. But he has a point in a way but they don't protect Michael Vick a whole lot and who wants to see Vince Young or Mike Kafka in Eagle games? So stop being a cat and STFU
i mean its true, idk why they are asking him this though, and i dont know why hes answering it. hardly call it being a cat though, he and vick do get less calls than a brady/manning. not because they are criminals but because they are tough to bring down and get treated like ball carriers more than QBs by officiating standards
This. I don't think it's any secret why these rules are instituted, they are protecting merchandise, not the well being of the QB. Tom Jackson showed several clips of Fitzpatrick, Gabbert and Schaub taking big hits that Brady and Manning would get flags their way for.
Big Ben and Vick aren't like the average qb. Vick runs and Ben don't go down easy so the refs gives them more latitiude cause they might get away. Also, it is like basketball, the stars get the calls and the others don't. If they want the same protection don't run and go down when tackled. If the refs blow the whistle as soon as Ben or Vick gets touched and they throw the ball for a touchdown they will cry about giving them a chance to finish a play. You don't see Brady or Manning or Brees run for 60 yards for a touchdown and you don't see them with 3 Dlinemen hanging on them throw for a touchdown or first down. Can't have it both ways. I hate the rule for just touching the head constitutes a 15 yard roughing call. They did change the rule this year but refs are used to calling ticky tack fouls on the qbs that they hesitate calling or not throwing a flag. I think next year will be better called. Brees and Brady makes their money with their arm while Vick makes his with his legs and Ben with his size. Refs have it rough calling games with them qbs. It is a judgement call and sometime they will get it wrong.There really isn't any answer to this unless you outlaw any hits on a qb and that wouldn't be fair. Other players get creamed and it is "ok". What can u do?
But let's be honest, a guy gets hit in the face and gets his nose penalty? Yes Vick and Ben aren't "pocket QBs" like Brady and Peyton, but at the same time a late hit or low hit is a late hit or low hit and should be called no matter who it is.
I agree with that. And I watched the game when Ben got his ugly face uglier and that was just a freak hit. Sure it was high but it wasn't intentional. Helmet to helmet hits should be flagged. No question there. Protects both players. Defensive players have to put their hands up to try to knock down a pass and hitting the face will happen. One way to protect players from broken noses like that is to mandate face shield for all players. Also will help keep the old eye gouge from happening.
I don't necessarily think it should've been called, but you bet if Ngata went to Brady's head like that and broke his nose, it would be called. I don't think it was intentional either but Ngata was fined $15,000 for it...
you know it would have been called. But Brady would have went down easier. Ben tries to extend plays with his size so you really can't compare the two. Besides Brady cries too much.
But when Brady went down, they changed the rules to outlaw the type of hit that he took to the knee. When Carson Palmer got his knee caved in by a similar type of hit in that Bengals-Steelers playoff game, the league didn't create a new rule. It took Brady getting his knee hurt for that to happen. I do think different QB's get different treatment so more or less I agree with Ben. And in reality, yeah Vick had a point too even though he took some flak for it.