Braylon Edwards Says He's Committed To The Browns

Discussion in 'Cleveland Browns' started by SRW, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Cleveland was serious about getting rid of Braylon Edwards this offseason, but the Giants didn't want to give up first and third-round picks for Edwards. There was this perception that Edwards wanted out of Cleveland. He could have sulked, and maybe he did, by missing several offseason workouts following the draft but in an interview with FanHouse, Edwards said he's committed to the Browns. "I never said I wanted to go," Edwards said. "The Browns tried to put a trade out there. It's always about progress in any level of sport. It will always be business. Trades happen, releases happen, I never took it personal. They thought highly enough of me to ask for a lot and in doing so, the Giants couldn't give the Browns what they wanted. It's a business."

    NFL Fanhouse
  2. davematthews3

    davematthews3 1st Stringer

    Are the Browns commited to him though? If they are smart they would be.
  3. cpgobrowns

    cpgobrowns < Deer/Headlights

    It's a contract year, so we'll find out soon enough.
  4. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    I think when he becomes a free agent hes gone.
  5. cpgobrowns

    cpgobrowns < Deer/Headlights

    Yeah, me too. That's why I was for the trade this off-season. Might as well lose him now and get something in return.
  6. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    now if only he was as committed to not dropping the most balls in the league this year
  7. The Manster

    The Manster 1st Stringer

    I think he is committed to the Browns could be traced back to the fact that no team was willing to give up more than a middle round pick for him. He knows that if a team is only willing to so little in a trade then they would not be willing to sign him to a big contract.
  8. soopacee

    soopacee Rookie

    haha i was gonna say something along these lines
  9. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I really didn't think the Browns would keep him. I just can't see Edwards and Mangini getting along...
  10. 86WARD

    86WARD -
