If an NFL player decides to come out as gay, Cardinals coach Bruce Arians isn't worried about how the players would react, he's more concerned about the fans. "I don't think the locker room would have any problem with it," Arians said on Wednesday, via FOXSports.com. "The problem would be with the fans. I think especially opposing fans. Some of the things that are said are so over the top and out of control that I can imagine what some fans would say to an openly gay player." Arians is probably somewhat right, and if you use your imagination, you can probably think of a few words an inebriated opposing fan might use. That being said, Arians doesn't think an Arizona player coming out would affect the Cardinals locker room. "As a coach I can probably speak for our players, too. I don't think anybody would have any problem with it," Arians said. If there is a backlash against a gay player, the league will be prepared for it. "Our league and team security people would be ready to monitor any kind of public reaction that might not be appropriate, including scrubbing social media," NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said in April. "We would assist the player in dealing with any adverse public reaction of any type, if there is any. Hopefully there wouldn't be and it would be a non-issue, which it should be." Source: CBS Sports
Re: Cardinals Coach Bruce Arians Says Fans Are Why Gay Player Wouldn’t Be Accepted In Fans, yeah...what about the likely current player that asked Esera whatshisname if it was "okay to call him a happy since he is a happy" at the rook syposium a few years back? Or any number of players who have publicly said they would not be okay with a gay teammate? I mean, yeah, fans will get ugly with it, no doubt, but it's not like it'd be a non-issue in the locker room either.
Re: Cardinals Coach Bruce Arians Says Fans Are Why Gay Player Wouldn’t Be Accepted In I'm not convinced that fans would be open about "gay bashing" at a stadium in this day and age. That "fan" that gay bashed, might get it worse from fellow fans...
Re: Cardinals Coach Bruce Arians Says Fans Are Why Gay Player Wouldn’t Be Accepted In *patiently waits for next Arians article containing his apology to the fans...*
Re: Cardinals Coach Bruce Arians Says Fans Are Why Gay Player Wouldn’t Be Accepted In Bruce, I think you're a good man BUT just shut up.
Re: Cardinals Coach Bruce Arians Says Fans Are Why Gay Player Wouldn’t Be Accepted In Guys, he's got a point. Take it easy. Remember, there are jackasses out there who will drink a couple beers and turn into the biggest bigots. Sent from my LG-MS870 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Re: Cardinals Coach Bruce Arians Says Fans Are Why Gay Player Wouldn’t Be Accepted In He says some fans. Not all fans. Not a majority. Some fans. Y'all know that statement is true. He's not calling all of us out. This message has been brought to you by Hell. You really don't want to come here! :)
He made a generalized statement about opposing fans using hate speech to harass players. While it would likely happen, I agree with Ward that those people will probably be shamed by those around them or kicked out of thr stadium. Thankfully, it's much less acceptable now to be hateful toward people who society still deems different than most. Racism isn't as mainstream anymore, it's hushed and kept inward and private. The jist of my statement: I disagree entirely that potential hate speech from fans is the biggest obstacle to people being able to be openly gay in the NFL.
Re: Cardinals Coach Bruce Arians Says Fans Are Why Gay Player Wouldn’t Be Accepted In The fans seem way more open to it than the players.
Re: Cardinals Coach Bruce Arians Says Fans Are Why Gay Player Wouldn’t Be Accepted In agreed 100% arians is living in a dream world if he feels this is only an issue for a handful of fans and no players at all would have an issue with it. Many players have already come out and said publically they would have an issue with it. Imagine how many more would have an issue with it but just don't want to say anything publically.
Re: Cardinals Coach Bruce Arians Says Fans Are Why Gay Player Wouldn’t Be Accepted In hboy: Being a Cards fan sure takes a lot of work.