Chiefs Vs Seahawks

Discussion in 'NFL Gameday' started by ollysj, Nov 24, 2010.


Who will win this game?

Poll closed Nov 28, 2010.
  1. Chiefs

  2. Seahawks

  1. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    The Seattle Seahawks host the Kansas City Chiefs at Qwest Field on Sunday 11/28/10. Kickoff time is 4:05 pm EST


  2. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    This to me depends if Hasselback is going to play or not, the Seahawks are a way different team at home, It's amazing how much of a difference that "12th man" makes, but if Matt Hasselback doesn't play it won't matter. The Chiefs will win, so I'm just going to assume with a cracked bone in his wrist he's not playing. Give me the Chiefs.

    30 - 17 KC
  3. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Chiefs. 28-16.
  4. warcrychief

    warcrychief Ur just da assistant Pimp

    going 2 the Game! i be rep'in my Chiefs colors and telling every1 about GIF. and i also want 2 see how Seattle is doing with our past draft picks we passed on (Curry & Okung). this is going 2 be gr8. me and my family going 2 this game that my dad use to love (Hawks) lol until he got tired of yelling at Dave Krieg lol and then the Chiefs pick up Krieg and my dad was laughing at me lol my son and 2 nephews are all going 2. cant wait 2 walk away home happy lol CHIEFS!
  5. L.Johnson #27

    L.Johnson #27 C-H-I-E-F-S - G-A-L-A-X-Y

    awesome. have fun :icon_smile:

  6. Three7s

    Three7s 1st Stringer

    This could be a tough game. I'll go with the Chiefs in a nail biter.
  7. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    I think the crowd will rattle Cassel.
  8. bandi

    bandi Hall Of Famer

    He has a cracked bone in his wrist? I hadn't heard that....anyway, I'll be hoping for another Chiefs win!! :icon_cool:
  9. L.Johnson #27

    L.Johnson #27 C-H-I-E-F-S - G-A-L-A-X-Y

    it´s on ESPN America (pay tv in europe). So i can watch it on the freaking TV.

    YEAH BABY:icon_cool:
    1 person likes this.
  10. warcrychief

    warcrychief Ur just da assistant Pimp

    met like 20 Chief fans here in Seattle and having a blast. cant wait 4 2marrow. GO CHIEFS! lets make a push 4 the Playoffs.
  11. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    Chiefs >Seascrubs
  12. L.Johnson #27

    L.Johnson #27 C-H-I-E-F-S - G-A-L-A-X-Y

    freaking espn america goobers

    now they show the steelers game till the end ... instead of the chiefs

    **********Automerged Doublepost**********


    BOWE !!
  13. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    lol, now it's on....
  14. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    lol, blocked piunt returned to the house

    7-6 XP pending
  15. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    Game tied at 7
  16. L.Johnson #27

    L.Johnson #27 C-H-I-E-F-S - G-A-L-A-X-Y

    they block the FG and now the punt and scored a TD

    FAIL !
  17. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    What happened to the Chiefs' special teams?
  18. L.Johnson #27

    L.Johnson #27 C-H-I-E-F-S - G-A-L-A-X-Y

    still celebrating thanksgiving

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    TD Chiefs !!!!!!! SMIIITH !!

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    BOWE !!!!

    21-7 !
  19. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    Nice TD
  20. L.Johnson #27

    L.Johnson #27 C-H-I-E-F-S - G-A-L-A-X-Y

    interception (lewis)

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    wtf was that charles ?