Congrats To January's Award Winners On GIF!

Discussion in 'Site News' started by SRW, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Congratulations to all the people who won awards this month as voted by the members:

    [​IMG] Joe Montana Award
    This award is for the Most Valuable Poster for the month. The winner of this award has been recognized by their peers to be someone who's brought their "A" game to the site and who has brought both quantity and quality to the site.

    And the winner is: DallasArmor09

    [​IMG] Red Cashion Award
    This award goes to the Most Valuable Moderator on the site. This moderator has been an example of how to run their forum by keeping it organized, helping recruit and more.

    And the winner is: smeagle

    [​IMG] Earl Campbell Award
    This award is for the winner of the Rookie of the Month award. The winner of this award has impressed the members in a short amount of time with their posts and shows promise that one day they could be a key member of the site.

    And the winner is: DallasArmor09

    [​IMG] Howard Cosell Award
    Top NFL News Reporter for the month. The winner of this award goes to someone who has gone above and beyond in helping keep the members of the site updated with the latest happenings around the NFL.

    And the winner is: SteveRobWhatever

    [​IMG] Warren Sapp Award
    This award is for the top NFL Smack Talker for the month. Don't try to get in a battle of wits with this member, they have proven time and time again to be able to dismantle you and entertain everyone else at your expense.

    And the winner is: Sweets

    [​IMG] Ocho Cinco Award
    This award goes to the funniest member on the site for the month. Any time you read one of their posts, you are sure to get a laugh on their take of whatever the topic at hand is.

    And the winner is: dolphindude13

    [​IMG] UPS Award
    This award is for the top recruiter for the month who has delivered the most new members to the site.

    And the winner is: Jammin Jaguar

    [​IMG] Jim Brown Award
    Top NFL Blogger for the month. The winner of this award goes to someone who has excelled with their NFL blog on the site.

    And the winners is: Jammin Jaguar

    [​IMG] Pimp Award
    This award goes to the member who has gone above and beyond to bring us the best smut in the "Smut Central" VIP forum. His debauchery and eye for smut has brought joy to everyone with access.

    And the winner is: Buffgrandpa

    [​IMG] Mangini-us Award
    This award goes to the overall NFL Trivia Contest leader at the end of each month. Each contest begins on the first of each month and his dominance the previous month has earned him this coveted prize.

    And the winner is: yisman

    [​IMG] Donovan McNabb Award
    This is awarded each month by member votes to the member who has shown the least amount of spine, has been a total drama queen and/or redfined what a cat is here on

    And the winner is: 49erGenius

    [​IMG] John Madden Award
    This award is given to the members who posts nonsensical bullcrap, posts that are completely irrelevant and unneeded, with no prior thought put into them whatsoever.

    And the winner is: 49erGenius

    [​IMG] Homer Simpson Award
    This award goes to the biggest NFL homer on the site. This member swears his team is by far the best at EVERYTHING and he simply can't be reasoned with. Any opinion you have that paints his team negatively is always 100% wrong and any opinion of his is 100% right......ALWAYS.

    And the winner is: BoltzRule

    [​IMG] Steve Sabol Award
    This monthly award goes to the member who posted the best Viral Video in the Viral Video forum.

    And the winner is: SteveRobWhatever

    Congrats once again to the winners!
  2. 49erGenius

    49erGenius Banned

    :party2: :schilder051: :fworks15: :fworks18: :cele08: :fworks08: :dance04: :cele09: :clap: :cheers: :agreed:[​IMG]

    It's all about the game, and how you play it!
  3. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    Why is yisman still eligible to win the Mangini award? He hasn't posted here in months and I don't think he'll ever do it again.

    I'm just sayin'...
  4. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    There are a bunch of people who don't post much of at all who play the Trivia Game. It's up to people to step up and beat him fair and square in there. Players like chiefsfan31 and joemontana25 would be cut as well if we went by site activity.
  5. afjay

    afjay Click. Clack.

    Congrats to all the winners, it was well earned.
  6. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    Congrats to the winners!
  7. Jammin Jaguar

    Jammin Jaguar English Student.

    Congratulations to everyone, especially DallasArmor09 for winning the Earl Campbell and Joe Montana Awards in one month. Some people must really like you! :icon_wink:
  8. andy82

    andy82 Your Soul, It's Mine!

    Well I sure got kicked in the bollocks this month :icon_cry:
  9. PSblackVTR

    PSblackVTR Just call me PS

    Congrats to all the winners. DA09 was a foregone decision for the Earl Campbell award imo he has been here 24/7 since joining from what I see!
  10. Jammin Jaguar

    Jammin Jaguar English Student.

    Don't worry PSblackVTR, I voted for you. :icon_wink:
  11. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Congrats to all the winners and especially Dallas who had a hard beginning here for a few weeks but had the ballies to stay and bond with us.
  12. DaBearsrule4ever

    DaBearsrule4ever Hall Of Famer

    Congrats award winners!
  13. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    Congrats to all.
  14. DallasArmor09

    DallasArmor09 Well-Known

    Congratulations to all the Award Winners this Month!!! Thank You everyone for acknowledging me for the Awards i recieved and again for putting my first arrival to this site behind us. This site and i will say it again KICKS BUTTSS!!! SRW-Sweets-Olly- Much love too you all for putting such a great site for us NFL Maniacs together!!!!
    Jammin Jaguar i think the Awards i recieved were earned? It's not about liking some1 as much as it is about understanding what the award is for and then who the vote should go too... Not saying the other people in the voting were not deserved cause i think everyone means something to this site and its what makes this site click and create the outcome SRW and co. are looking for.
    Again Congrats to every1 this Month on a Job Well Done!!!!!
  15. Brooklyn

    Brooklyn AKEKEKEKEKE!!!

  16. 49erGenius

    49erGenius Banned

    I hope I can earn some better awards for I still consider myself a passionate great fan of my team. I just despise the coach/owner. :laughpound: Fans can still root for their team itself and not like the douches they got for owner/coach.
  17. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    Don't worry, I see the Joe Montana award in your future.....

    On Madden '08.
  18. Jammin Jaguar

    Jammin Jaguar English Student.

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to DawkinsINT again.
  19. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Well said bro. That is what the awards should be all about. Too bad some people can't separate the two and take the personal angle with all this.
  20. BoltzRule

    BoltzRule Fans refugee

    Wow, it happened :icon_cry:, oh man I told myself I wasn't going to do this. First of all I want to thank God, my family, and friends, if it wasn't for their support I don't know if I'd be here today. I also want to congratulate my competitors, you guys tried and that's all that matters.

    This was an award I really wanted to win, it just goes to show no matter where you start out in life good things can happen to you with a little hard work. Thank you to all the people who voted for me, I'll proudly display my award in my trophy room. Thanks again.