Cowboys Vs Rams

Discussion in 'NFL Gameday' started by dolphindude13, Oct 16, 2008.


Who will win?

Poll closed Oct 20, 2008.
  1. Cowboys

    7 vote(s)
  2. Rams

    3 vote(s)
  1. dolphindude13

    dolphindude13 Jack Of All Trades

    Dallas 4-2 (Road: 2-1) 1:00pm ET
    St. Louis 1-4 (Home: 0-2) TV: FOX
  2. DaBearsrule4ever

    DaBearsrule4ever Hall Of Famer

    With or without Romo, Cowboys still win this game.
  3. dolphindude13

    dolphindude13 Jack Of All Trades

    The Cowboys could win this game with Jessica playing QB.
  4. Roy31

    Roy31 Hall Of Famer

    Maybe we'll put together a full 60 minutes of football?
  5. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    the roy williams era begins.....
  6. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Cowboys, not even a chance they overlook the Rams after losing to the Cardinals last week, and the fact that the Rams just upset the Redskins.
  7. Roy31

    Roy31 Hall Of Famer

    With all the injuries we have anything can happen. I really hope our young Cornerbacks step up. No Pace should mean trouble for them.
  8. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    DeMarcus Ware is going to have Marc Bulger for lunch.
  9. L.Johnson #27

    L.Johnson #27 C-H-I-E-F-S - G-A-L-A-X-Y

    Cowboys here
  10. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    Jones and Barber will run over the helpless Rams D
  11. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    to lift my spirits, i'm hoping for a utter thrashing of the rams
  12. MRAVEN

    MRAVEN 1st Stringer

  13. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    alright old man johnson

    prove your worth your back up spot
  14. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    Cowboys to recieve
    miles austin returns it to the 26
  15. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    barbers gains 3
    second and 7
  16. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    johnson throws a high pass to owens, no good
    3rd and 7
  17. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    johnson with a completion to owens
    19yard pick up
    first down dallas
  18. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    barber gets stuffed in the backfield
  19. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    johnson completes to crayton for a gain of 10
  20. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    cowboys with a shotgun hand off to barber
    1st down Dallas