Dixons Injury Status?

Discussion in 'Pittsburgh Steelers' started by Forge, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. Forge

    Forge Starter

    So Dixon messed up his shoulder at the Redskin game. But I have not heard any more details. Anyone heard anything today. I thought Reilly did a pretty good job for a rookie when he came in. Wouldn't mind seeing more of him. Are the Steelers bringing him along slowly for next year or what.
  2. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

  3. Matt314hew

    Matt314hew Mr. Impossible

    From what i have heard, the Steelers are not interested in bringing in any other QB, so expect Reilly to get more snaps than he would get in the final 2 games. Dixon may be done for the preseason. Batch pretty much has the backup position locked down (as if it was in question).