Dolphins Coach Tony Sparano Preparing For Crowd Noise At Home

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins' started by Sweets, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    David Hyde of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel writes that he was preparing an upbeat column about the Miami Dolphins 2011 season when he was interrupted by a sound he had never heard before-crowd noise being pumped onto the Dolphins' practice field to prepare for Monday night's antagonistic crowd. At home. In an unprecedented move, head coach Tony Sparano is so worried about the New England fans packing Sun Life Stadium for the first game of the year that he is preparing his team for the noise they will make. "No, never before,'' Sparano said when asked if he'd ever practiced with noise before a home game. "One of the reasons we do it here is we are in South Florida and the New England teams and New York teams, there's a a lot of fans out here." Apparently Dolphin fans are so turned off by this regime and this offseason that they are deserting their team in record numbers. Tens of thousands of Patriot fans are expected to fill up the stadium and the entire nation will be watching as it is the season opener for ESPN's Monday Night Football.

  2. cKlass

    cKlass Rookie

    It's pathetic that a team has to practice with noise for a home game smh.
  3. Rottstein

    Rottstein Rookie

    I wonder if that crowd noise was "We want Orton" chants.