Dolphins wide receiver Chad Johnson was arrested Saturday night for domestic violence, according to Davie Police Department captain Dale Engle. According to a source the incident took place in a vehicle. Johnson allegedly head-butted his new wife, Evelyn Lazada, during an argument. When cops came on the scene Lazado, a star in VH1’s Basketball Wive’s Reality series, had lacerations on her forehead, and Johnson was arrested. Since entering the NFL in 2001 Johnson, a Miami native who lives in Davie, had never been arrested but he was arrested in college for a domestic dispute. Source: Sun-Sentinel
Oh it gets better. The arguement was over a receipt for a box of........condoms. The Phins will heck him and not use a condom. Stick a fork in him, he is well done.
normally, I don't find crap like this funny--but since he headbutt her, I'll make an exception purely because of the way I imagine this taking place.
Anyone else find it ironic that on the last episode of Hard Knocks as he was leaving he told a coach he was getting arrested this weekend and the coach said call mw and I'll bail you
You are correct 86, Chad found the receipt in the car and he did not make the purchase. Wanna heck around, pay cash and throw the receipt away. :icon_cheesygrin:
First thing I thought of and second was how snitchy and full of crap she was on the sideline there... What are the odds it was a teammate?!?
MG on the job. Here is the mug shot. He must have put on his helmet cus I do not see any damage on his hard head.
Now the reports have turned around. PFT says she found the receipt in the car from his purchase. :icon_eek: What ever. I'm just trying to get the bottom line as always.