Drunkest Fans In The League

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by Crawl, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. Crawl

    Crawl Pro Bowler

    I came across this article which rated the drunkest fans in the league

    The Bills finally won the Super Bowl:Invision-Board-Fran
  2. ronbart

    ronbart Pro Bowler

    another second place for the birds :icon_rolleyes:
  3. Inclulbus

    Inclulbus WE ARE! .. Marshall!

    finishing 2nd, only means youre the 1st loser! :icon_cool:
  4. ronbart

    ronbart Pro Bowler

    hence the disapointment on the smilly's face
  5. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

  6. Jeffgoodt

    Jeffgoodt Team Veteran


    We are way drunker
  7. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    Skins fans are some of the drunkest ive encountered
  8. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    hh outdrink them all
  9. wide right

    wide right Grumpy Old Man

    we are the champions my friend, and we'll keep on drinking till the end

  10. phiglesphan

    phiglesphan BANNED

    :agreed:..... bunch of sway rednecks
  11. wide right

    wide right Grumpy Old Man

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1njNpH4kLc]YouTube - Drunk Buffalo Bills Fan[/ame]