Yeah thats right, this thread was long overdue. McNabb is a piece of crap he looked like he was ready to roll over and pass out on the last drive of the game last night. Eagles fans talk alot of crap for a team that has nice history of losing.
Nough said. Can't even give you an A for effort since you pretty much quote Smeagle's thread title word for word. Although you did put the extra emphasis on "BALLS". I guess the thought of them gets any dirtbag Dallas fan excited.
pathetic. seriously. actually, wait, this thread does serve a purpose, to further prove that cowboy fans are nothing more than a skid mark on soceity's tighty whities. i started a giants blow thread but we don't have enough greaseball giants fans so it went to crap. i mean think about it, when brooklyn, sportsguy & seantaylor21 are the regular giants fans here we shouldnt really expect much considering the three combined would struggle to put one coherant thought together.
That's no excuse.....he's proven time and time again that he can post AND suck epic monkey balls at the same time.
Monkeys have it made....there's always a line of people waiting to suck their balls. Why did I have to evolve? :icon_evil:
Just as creative as your stupid post, and the title isn't funny at all either. But its true, and the picture is welll, the Eagles history in a nutshell.