For the most part, we usually just snitch about members of the sports media. There are some good ones though. My favorite is probably Michael Wilbon. Who do you guys like?
I like Wilbon alot. He makes alot of appearances on espn Chicago radio and I always love when he comes on.
I enjoy Tim Ryan and Pat Kirwan on NFL Radio. Also don't mind Adam Schein, Jim Miller, Rich Gannon on there either. As far as TV goes, I really can't stomach ESPN, although, I can tolerate Wilbon when he's on. For the chicks, I actually like Erin Andrews. SHe does a pretty good job and she's "okay" to look at. I'm sure I'm missing a couple...
Well when I think of reporters I don't think Wilbon, he is not much of a reporter as he is an analyst.
Adam Schefter is money almost all the time. I love Erin Andrews though, she's banging and she knows her crap.
I Like john clayton and jay grazer,but shefter is reliable too. just for looks,erin andrews is my fave though!
Dunno who here has SiriusXM, but the NFL channel has some good ones there. Nobody tops the Godfather, Gil Brandt. I love when he's on, it's like sitting under a learning tree of NFL knowledge.
I'm a Schefter guy. When it's a football sunday, or any big football day (free agency begins, trade deadline, draft, etc.) I'll have his twitter page open all day.