First Team To 6?

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by brakos82, Nov 30, 2007.

  1. brakos82

    brakos82 30% more cats than last year!

    Which team do you think will earn their 6th Super Bowl first?

    San Francisco 5
    Dallas 5
    Pittsburgh 5
    Oakland/L.A. Raiders 3
    Washington 3
    Green Bay 3
    New England 3
  2. dolphindude13

    dolphindude13 Jack Of All Trades

    Unfortunately I would have to say Dallas. Surely they can win 1 before New England wins 3.:sad5:
  3. brakos82

    brakos82 30% more cats than last year!

    If Pittsburgh gets their crap together they could win one in '08 or '09 as well.
  4. dolphindude13

    dolphindude13 Jack Of All Trades

    True, for some reason I overlooked them with 5.:icon_eek:
  5. MediaGuy

    MediaGuy Ball So Hard University

    My Dad was a "how bout dem cowboys!" fan during the interim between irsays and the Ravens. So my $$ is on "da boys"
  6. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    go steelers lol.

    seriously though, i like what tomlins doing....good things for this team, not so much this year....but soon enough
  7. BroncoBJ

    BroncoBJ JayCutler4MVP!!!

    I'm going to say Denver. We only need 4 more and with Cutler anythings possible. New England will win 2 more in the next 10 years. But Denver will win 4 more. So Denver will be 6 out of 10 when it comes to Superbowls in the next few years. :)
  8. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    and you were given the homer simpson award why? lol
  9. BroncoBJ

    BroncoBJ JayCutler4MVP!!!

    You dont think thats realistic? :lol:
    New England had none going into 2001 and now they are being mentioned to get 6.

    But no body gives Denver respect. I hope we win back to back to back to back and then I'd bump this thread. :lol:
  10. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    lol yeah but they won in 01 and have 3....denver hasnt one anything without elway lol
  11. BroncoBJ

    BroncoBJ JayCutler4MVP!!!

    Yea but the 49ers havn't really won anything without Young or Montana.
    Dallas hasn't won anything without Aikman or Staubach.
    Patriots havn't really won anything without Brady.... oh heck they still have him. :lol:

    But all homerism aside I can see Brady winning 6 Sb's before his career is done.
    Maybe even more..... :icon_eek:
  12. TOP DAWG

    TOP DAWG Pro Bowler

    Dallas. They have a Romo,and a good program. If Pitt was in the NFC,I'd go with them.
  13. happ

    happ PECAVI

    It's gotta be the Steelers, they are still on the rise.
  14. Dougerrrr

    Dougerrrr Laus Deo

    Pittsburgh or Dallas.....could go either way.
  15. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Dallas or Pitt.... this year may be Dallas
  16. andy82

    andy82 Your Soul, It's Mine!

    Rams will win five in a row :icon_smile:

    Being serious now, at this current moment I'll say Dallas but if they fail within the next 2-3 seasons, then I think the Tomlin movement will reach six.
  17. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    Dallas :bad:
  18. Dougerrrr

    Dougerrrr Laus Deo

    Maybe Steelers will play Cowboys this year and see who wins 6!! Steelers are still 2-1 vs Cowgirls in Super Bowl.
  19. TOP DAWG

    TOP DAWG Pro Bowler

    Steelers have a rough road in the AFC. Colts and Patriots are better,and the Jags equal. Playoff in the AFC will be loaded with good teams. Indy scares the crap out of me if they are healthy come Playoffs. I feel their D is better than ours,and if they have Harrison back then,there O will be equal.
  20. Sportsguy

    Sportsguy AKA-Sportsguy9695

    im going to go with the Cowboys. Wade Phillips has done a great job this year