Football On Your Phone - Peyton And Eli Manning

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by DontKnowMe, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. DontKnowMe

    DontKnowMe Anti-Social Networker

    [ame=]Football on your Phone - Manning Brothers Music Video - YouTube[/ame]
  2. Walnuts

    Walnuts All-Pro

    Urge to kill...rising...
  3. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Good Lord...
  4. Fez

    Fez Chicharooney!!!

    I loved it. You don't always see two nerdy brothers doing stupid crap like that... lol
  5. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    someone please punch eli in th face lol

    ICECOLD 1st Stringer

    Lol that was time I'll never get back
  7. Tarkus

    Tarkus The Thread Stalker

    Can't remember a time I was more embarrassed for somebody...
  8. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    I thought it was semi-amusing. I give them credit for not giving a heck.
  9. Tarkus

    Tarkus The Thread Stalker

    Reminded me of old SNL skits that were a funny idea but went on for waaay too long.

    A short version probably would have worked for me a lot better..
  10. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    You should hang out with me and my brother more often :icon_cheesygrin:
  11. Fez

    Fez Chicharooney!!!

    Truth to be told, this video should've ended with both Mannings putting on sunglasses as a sign that reads "DEAL WITH IT!!" appears on screen.
  12. ram29jackson

    ram29jackson sports spectator

    LOL at you guys critiquing this like its up for some serious award or something.
    This was hilarious and brilliant in its trendy silliness. Pure silly fun.

    ...and this

    [ame=]NFL Football Cops (Starring Peyton And Eli Manning) [Trailer] - YouTube[/ame]
  13. Steve12

    Steve12 The night is dark and full of terrors

    Im with [MENTION=1821]Tarkus[/MENTION]. Funny, but too long.