We've heard from the former Atlanta radio host who was contrite about the ill-conceived and ill-fated Steve Gleason radio skit. We heard from another ex-host who opted for the scorched earth approach. Now we've heard from Gleason himself. "Regarding the DJ skit in Atlanta yesterday. I would like to thank the public for their support," Gleason began in a post on his official Facebook page. " 'Defend Team Gleason' now has been officially redefined. Additionally, the DJs have provided genuine apology. Received and accepted. We have all made mistakes in this life. How we learn from our mistakes is the measure of who we are. "I think everyone can learn from this event. It's clear to me that, on a national and global scale, ALS is not understood, which is part of why (it's) under-funded and largely ignored. In the past 36 hours, lots of people have been talking. Let's talk about this ... there are zero treatments for ALS. If you take any action as a result of this event, I prefer it to be action to end ALS. See what we are doing to change that at www.teamgleason.org." Gleason took the high road, as you'd expect he would. Seems like a good place to move on from this Hall of Fame moment of stupidity. Source: NFL.com
He's a good man. Saw the one dj apologizing on CNN and seemed sincere. Hope some awareness comes out of this event.