Frank Mir 'Lesnar Would Crush Fedor'

Discussion in 'Boxing/MMA Talk' started by Mike, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    Former UFC Heavyweight Champion Frank Mir has, for the most part, kept quiet following his loss to current champion Brock Lesnar at UFC 100, but Mir recently spoke with Xtreme Radio about the loss to Brock, his potential fight with Cheick Kongo, and how he thinks Fedor would fare against Lesnar. Though we may never see the fight take place, Mir was asked if he thought Fedor Emelianenko could beat Brock Lesnar. "In a cage no. In a boxing ring, possibly," said Mir. Mir also outlined why he doesn't think Fedor would be too successful in the UFC. "In a boxing ring, when you're taken down, you can scoot from under the ropes, you can survive. In a cage, you better be able to get back up, or you're gonna get crushed. He would get crushed against Brock."

  2. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    Just because of Brock's sheer size and athletic ability I think he would give him a good fight.

    But I still think Fedor would find a way to win.
  3. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    thats what brock does, he crushes people.....mir is a good fighter and a big guy but when lesnar got on top theres nothing to do cause his frame is so huge then he just hammer fists the heck out of you lol
  4. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    fedor is alot bigger than mir
  5. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    He's actually smaller.
  6. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    my bad, he looks bigger than mir
  7. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    Probably because he's always standing over his opponents while they are recovering from the KO he just gave them...

  8. chiefswin19games

    chiefswin19games Don't be defeated.

    I'd like to see Fedor destroy Lesnar.
  9. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    Unfortunately we probably never will...
  10. CP26

    CP26 Im Back Mofos

    No question nothing Fedor would win. Hey how long did it take to win againts tim sylvia... oh yea about 20 secs.
  11. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    I think it was about 33...
  12. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    We won't see it because Fedor won't sign..
  13. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    no way, lesnar is sick....get on top and hammer fist the shot out of you, drink a beer and go lift weights lol
  14. Flacco2MasonTD

    Flacco2MasonTD ಠ_ಠ

    Other than the hammerfist I am struggling to think of an area of technique the Brock holds the edge in - and other than sheer size I can't think of any area at all where Brock is the better man. Fedor would heck him up and he'd probably do it quickly because Brock isn't very patient.
  15. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    It will probably never happen, but I agree.