Green Bay Mayor Soliciting Ideas For Brett Favre Homecoming

Discussion in 'Green Bay Packers' started by pctrips, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. pctrips

    pctrips Pro Bowler

    Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt is asking the public for suggestions to "tastefully" welcome back Brett Favre when he returns to Lambeau Field as a Minnesota Viking for a Nov. 1 game against the Packers. According to the city's Web site, Schmitt is asking fans to send in ideas and he'll select his four favorites. The site says one suggestion calls for making the world's largest waffle in the shape of No. 4, Favre's jersey number as a playful jab at Favre's indecisive approach to retirement.

  2. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    Duracell give away night?
  3. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    He said classy mush...

    I like the waffle idea...

  4. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    10 dollar coupons for wranglers.
  5. Flacco2MasonTD

    Flacco2MasonTD ಠ_ಠ

    Kick the Vikings ass?
  6. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    I'm all for mooning him and burning #4 jersesys in front of his restaurant
  7. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    do the fans freaking care anymore?
  8. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    I imagine simply beating Favre will be good enough for Packers fans.