Wayne Pacelle, the president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States, wrote a long blog post explaining why he's keeping an open mind about the supposedly reformed dogfighting enthusiast. "I sat with the man, but I still don't know what's in his heart," Pacelle writes. "He told me he did terrible things to dogs. He said he grew up with dogfighting as a boy, and that he never sufficiently questioned it as he grew into manhood."Pacelle outlines Vick's proposed involvement in educating teenagers who grew up as he did. "If he makes the most of it, and demonstrates a sincere, long-term commitment to the task, then it may prove to be a tipping point in our campaign to eradicate dogfighting," Pacelle writes. "If he demonstrates a fleeting or superficial interest, then it will be his own failing, not ours. Our campaign will march forward regardless. It's up to him, and we at The HSUS reserve judgment until he demonstrates that he's part of the solution rather than a further part of the problem." Source: Mercury News