It's not ridiculous to think about, although I don't think I can bring myself to do it. It comes down to this. If you have a good record in this league, I would go Wright because you can afford to tinker with your lineup. If not and you need your best guys in there, go Dez.
I'm 2-3. Such a tough decision. Dallas could easily be passing alot if Murray gets stuffed. I'm going to leave dez as he gets major red zone and usually this is the type of game he would blowup the game you expect him not too
I have the same dilemma with palmer playing. dez or michael floyd. i'm taking a chance and leaving dez in there only because he is so physical.
I don't have a option it has to be dez so I am trying to be positive so take this for what it is. Dez will go against Sherman but rivers targeted him and he won't be lining up right all day. Romo has actually been better throwing middle and left this year which is good considering Sherman. I see romo giving dez a shot in the end zone and dez is totally capable of going up and getting it vs anyone.