Is There A Chance Things Will Change For The Eagles ?

Discussion in 'Philadelphia Eagles' started by smeags, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    will things change for the better around here ?

    will we stop seeing pathetic games like sunday where there seems to be no discipline ?

    will we stop seeing a qb who doesn't know the rules or can't keep track of how many timeouts the team has ?

    will we stop seeing balls thrown in the dirt ?

    will we stop choking in the big games ?

    will we stop treating the LB position like a it can be filled by anyone even as we watch TE's accross the league torch us week after week ?

    will we stop seeing unbalanced gameplans that cost us wins ?

    well, i hope so but i am not holding my breath and i don't want to hear this "andy's the winningest coach we ever had" nonsense. yes he has won more games but he has just as many lombardis as vermeil which and it's comes down to it is all that matters.

    so again i ask, will things ever change for the better under reid or will they stay the same.

    oh and if you say they will get better you need to explain how.
  2. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    I think once the Walrus figures out that passing the ball 50 times is not a good thing everything else will start to fall into place. As for line backers, Injuries have hurt the Eagles and depth is needed to be aquired via the draft or young FAs or else Trotter will have work.
  3. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    well i don't mind passing 50times if that's what the game dictates. i mean if your averaging 1.5yrds per carry it's kind of pointless to keep running. but that seems to be what happens when the passing game isn't working, we just keep on passing.

    we have not been able to consistanly cover the TE since carlos emmons left.
  4. Chubz

    Chubz 1st Stringer

    it all starts with that offensive line. the raiders exposed a big problem. The Eagles need to run the ball more effectively too.
  5. Greg Brosh

    Greg Brosh Local Eagles Fan Fantasy Guru

    you give westbrook just 6 carries after he averages 8.3 yards per carry? that's ridiculous. it's almost like reid was afraid to give westbrook more ground work because of his injuries. the next three weeks against the nfc east is going to be huge. if they win all 3, great, 2-1 isn't bad, losing 2 out of the three is a huge problem.

    with the linebackers, it's almost like they panicked once stewart went down and they didn't know what else to do. trotter was god-awful sunday and i don't see that changing anytime soon. hopefully witherspoon helps.
  6. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    In " walrus' " defense, the NFL is a passing league now. Where teams used to run to set up the pass it is now vice versa pretty much throughout the league. I think there are only 4 or so teams that actually run more than they pass now...

    Having said that, "walrus" usually takes about 60 minutes to set up the run...
  7. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

  8. SweetShot03

    SweetShot03 Fuck stupid people

    Mcnabb is a great passer but eagles need to open up the run more and mix it up, then I think the Eagles will start seeing an improvment..... if you throw 50 times in a row the defense is going to catch on and picks and sacks will become more frequent.
  9. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    again, you take what the defense is giving you. if the pass is there and the opposing defense can't do a thing to stop it then pass 100 times for all i care. if your qb is sporting a rating of 17, no matter what the reason is while at the same time your running game is averaging 6plus yards a carry why keep throwing ?

    andy reid has flat out made this franchise a winning team but he has to put his pride and stubborness aside if we are to ever win it all.
  10. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    I'm far more worried about our offense's inability to sustain a freaking drive than I am about the defense covering TEs. We looked like total crap with the exception of two big plays.

    WHY. THE. FREAK. does Donovan put the ball in the dirt so much? How the hell did he miss DeSean on the in pass where he was WIDE open? I can forgive him for missing a wide open Maclin in the end zone I suppose, but at least make the ball playable for DeSean for crying out loud.

    Keep it up, Donny... we won't play the Skins every week, and you got a guy with a lot to prove on the bench behind you.

    Sorry for the hijacking.
  11. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    this is a very bad stat and one every def. coodinator is looking at.
  12. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    It's because he wets his pants and gets scared. I bet those 15 misses were all in the dirt 5-10 yards in front of the receiver.
  13. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    well, for one week at least, i got everything i could want from this team. i defy anyone to tell me what negative you could get from dropping 40 on the giants ... :icon_cool:
  14. The Manster

    The Manster 1st Stringer

    1. You could have had more.
    2 It was not the Cowboys. . . wait that is next week.
  15. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    1- true, missed extra point.
    2- only bandwagoners think the cowboys are the #1 rival.
  16. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    I live on the West Coast. I have limited access to watching Eagles game, which sometimes I am happy about.

    But everytime I end up watching a game, one thing is blatantly clear by the end of the game.

    McNabb's short to mid-range accuracy is crap.

    Don't get me wrong, he isn't perfect on deep balls either. But at least on deep balls he can't short hop ball after ball, throw the ball BEHIND the receiver, or throw the ball consistently 2 ft from the ground where our receivers must drop to their knees for the catch.

    This is so unbelievably frustrating to watch. I lost count of the heck ups. The worst coming on the stop and go to Maclin that was nicely underthrown, giving Jenkins a nice early Christmas present.

    We hecked over the defense with the early interception, but take out that score from that drive and they have 13, maybe 16 points if we give them a field goal on that drive. And we can't freaking pull the win out again.

  17. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    Its a game of inch's man. And that was tonights for sure

    Its the same with Romo. See that Brown pick. You gotta live and die by your QB. You look at the recent SB's winners and loser's and the only two teams that didnt have QB's that are the difference between a W and an L are the 2005 Steeler's, the 2006 Bears. The Giants and Eli are debateable.
  18. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    i was at the game, from what we saw down there we definitely got screwed on the mccoy play and it looked like mcnabb got the 1st as well. not sure if it looked different on t.v. with the different angles.

    regardless, mcnabb left two td's on the field. end of story.
  19. phiglesphan

    phiglesphan BANNED

    Nope.... it didn't. The refs screwed us. But your right, Mcnabb left TDs on the field. ALSO receivers let balls go through and or off their hands (twice for INTs), McCoy fell down on what would have been another big screen, poor play calling kept the short yardage situations close enough the refs could get it wrong, Sheldon blew 3rd and long on Austin and gave up a back breaking TD, the pressure on Romo wained and he was able to get some rhythm going. There's fault to pass around to everyone :icon_cry: Only positive I take is that injuries weren't as bad as I thought they were going to be and to have lost only 1 out of the 3 in a row division games isn't too shabby.
  20. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    the o-line must get it's crap together.

    one funny thing i did see was this loud mouthed cowboys fan up on the ramp yelling to everyone that philly sucks and how we can suck dallas' butt had the jersey he was hanging out to all ripped out of his hands a dropped the the ground where it got "accidently" trampled on.