Jared Allen-mania Sweeping The Great White North

Discussion in 'Minnesota Vikings' started by FSUViking, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. FSUViking

    FSUViking BANNED

    Grandfather Sports, aka senile Minneapolis sports legend Sid Hartman wrote on Sunday: The Vikings sold 100 new season tickets the day that the trade for Jared Allen was announced, and the renewal of season tickets jumped to more than 80 percent.

    The fan interest in the Vikings is amazing, and it is too bad that Gov. Tim Pawlenty and some of the anti-stadium people in the Legislature were not on hand Saturday at Winter Park, where some 4,000 of the team's most rabid fans attended the annual draft day party. When Allen walked into the draft party Saturday, he got a cheer you could hear in downtown Eden Prairie, and later on, a long line of fans built up to get the defensive end's autograph. He said he never witnessed such fan enthusiasm in Kansas City.

    And today, equally bat-crap crazy Pioneer Press columnist (though nothing close to a legend), Charlie "Shooter" Walters, writes: The Mall of America Vikings Locker Room sports apparel store, which is not owned by the Vikings, sold each of the 95 No. 69 Jared Allen jerseys, at $80 apiece, it had shipped in overnight last weekend, and was getting calls for more Monday. The store has ordered 96 more and hopes to receive them by the end of the week.

    Other than drafting AD last year, I really havent seen Vikings fans worked up into such a ferver over a guy since Randy Moss.