Jerry Jones Says Jason Garrett Is Making All The Cowboys' Coaching Staff Calls

Discussion in 'Dallas Cowboys' started by SRW, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    It certainly appears as if Dallas Cowboys owner and general manager Jerry Jones has been making the decisions on the coaching staff changes that have occurred over the last month.

    After the season ended with the Cowboys missing the playoffs for a third consecutive year, Jones said things were going to be uncomfortable around Valley Ranch. Replacing defensive coordinator Rob Ryan with Monte Kiffin was the biggest move, but a few others, which included adding Rod Marinelli as defensive line coach and Rich Bisaccia as special teams coordinator, made it seem as if Jones was setting up former Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach Jon Gruden to take over in Dallas.

    But during a video interview that appeared Thursday on, Jones assured that Garrett has been responsible for the coaching changes.

    “Jason is putting together, as he should be, a staff and philosophy on every phase of the team and allocating his time, relative to allocating the time of his staff to helping us win a football game now and in the future,†Jones said. “I’m excited. Boy, we’ve got a good man in Jason Garrett putting this together for us. He’s got a unique position. He knows our key players better than anybody. He knows what (Tony) Romo is and isn’t better than anybody. He knows where we’ve been in terms of our offense, certainly over the last six years, so he’s got a lot of experience with our personnel, with our offense.

    “He certainly is excited about the changes we’ve made on defense, relative to how that affects the whole game plan. One of the things I’m the happiest about is who we’ve got putting this together in Jason Garrett.â€

    Source: Dallas Morning News
  2. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

    Sure he is.
  3. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Freaking senile liar...
  4. ragman

    ragman Pro Bowler Fantasy Guru

    May I see a show of hands of the people in here that really believe that? Why does JJ even bother?
  5. Diesel44

    Diesel44 Serial Killer

    wonder if he still cleanes his own glasses?:icon_smile:
  6. Agent Zero

    Agent Zero I rode the short bus


    Whatever Jerry. Keep giving lip service to the masses. You freaking antique.
  7. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Jerry Jones just hires sheep.
  8. ragman

    ragman Pro Bowler Fantasy Guru

    No, puppets.

    I've heard there's a cartoon making the rounds on the Internet showing the Cowboys organizational flow chart. It shows Jerry as a puppeteer. I can't seem to find it. Can anybody help?