Mark Sanchez was running around like a giddy schoolboy at recess, index finger pointed to the sky, looking to throw a flying hip bump at any willing teammate. Four days into training camp, it's impossible not to notice Sanchez's transformation from unsure rookie to unquestioned team leader. From his improved hard cadence at the line of scrimmage to his willingness to accept ownership for his mistakes, Sanchez resembles a 10-year veteran more than a second-year signal-caller. "This is my team," Sanchez said after the morning practice Wednesday. "This is my offense. You need to own it....When you walk in a room, people should know: That's the quarterback. That's our guy." A solid postseason helped erase the memory of an uneven regular season that included forgettable moments such as his five-interception fiasco against Buffalo and Hot Dog Gate in Oakland, a three-week journey that has seemingly done wonders for his confidence. He's grown up fast, embracing the challenge of leading a confident team with Super Bowl aspirations. "When they do a great job, you got to let them know," Sanchez said. "When they do something wrong, you got to let them know. That's probably the toughest part - to try to find your way. It's a challenge to be a leader like that." Source:New York Daily News
I keep saying Sanchez is the most overrated player entering the 2010 season. This article further attests to that.
i bet if the defense fails, he would want 2 call it his team lol **********Automerged Doublepost********** wouldnt*