Jets Vs Steelers

Discussion in 'NFL Gameday' started by ollysj, Jan 16, 2011.


Who will win the AFC Championship Game?

Poll closed Jan 24, 2011.
  1. Jets

  2. Steelers

  1. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut


    The Pittsburgh Steelers host the New York Jets at Heinz Field on Sunday 1/23/11. Kickoff time is 6:30 pm EST


    Last edited: Jan 16, 2011
  2. Inclulbus

    Inclulbus WE ARE! .. Marshall!

    steelers 20-17
  3. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

    Steelers 24-13
  4. [​IMG]

    Quick Facts:

    * Jets are 0-3 lifetime in the AFC Championship
    * Jets never won at Pittsburgh in the postseason
    * Steelers are 15-4 in the last two years when Troy Polamalu is in the lineup

    28-10 Steelers
  5. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    god **mn steelers better not blow this like the pats did .............
  6. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    I have no doubt in my mind that the Steelers WILL win, and that's a rare thought people.

    20 - 10 Pit
  7. phiglesphan

    phiglesphan BANNED

    J E T S Jets Jets Jets. 24-17
  8. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I just hope the Santonio Holmes trade doesn't comeback to bite them in the
  9. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    If Ike Taylor is on him we will be alright, If McFadden can't play though we got Gay on Edwards and Madison on Cotchery. That's where problems can start. Also the Santonio trade may be great for this team for season to come, it forced them to draft Sanders and Brown. Them along with Mike Wallace will be a hell of a receiving corps for years to come. One player can't beat us. Points may be hard to come by in this one, We need some more "Ben magic" .
  10. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Agree that the Holmes trade has worked out great so far...he can be a game changer and all it takes is one play from him...that's what scares me...that "one play." They did a great job on him during the regular season match up not letting him break a big one. 6 catches for 40 yards...
  11. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    More than anything I like our chances alot more if McFadden can find a way to play, Gay is excellent in the slot. He's only subpar on the outside.
  12. Flacco2MasonTD

    Flacco2MasonTD ಠ_ಠ

    This is a rough one for me to pick - Steelers just served my team but if the Jets win I don't know that we'll ever hear the end of it... I voted for the Steelers I guess...
  13. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    I hope the earth opens up and swallows both of these douchebag teams
  14. Flacco2MasonTD

    Flacco2MasonTD ಠ_ಠ

    Hadn't thought of that - I wanna change my vote!
  15. SpankyNoodle

    SpankyNoodle Can't Spank the Spank

  16. MediaGuy

    MediaGuy Ball So Hard University

    Fireman Ed, go JETS!!!!!!!!!:icon_cool:
  17. codatious99

    codatious99 cheese head

    Playoff football = Steelers D will stop the run

    can Sanchez throw his way to the big dance? dont think so.

    Steeltown 20
    Jets 14
  18. The Sith

    The Sith 1st Stringer

    kinda torn between these two teams. I would like to see LT make an appearance in the SB near his hometown a homecoming. I want Mike Tomlins to make the SB to be the first african american coach to have a chance to win two superbowl.
  19. Dougerrrr

    Dougerrrr Laus Deo

    Steelers 24-20
    Will be much like the last game and Steelers will be behind and score a go ahead td and then hold off last minute drive.
  20. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    EDIT; INSPITE OF K-TRAIN: - let me say there is little doubt who i vote for if the eagles are out of it and well, that's basically the case every single freaking year. :icon_frown:

    anyway - go steelers !

    i agree with the 1st part but i think putting the game into sanchez's hands one what would be a one demensional offense i see multi int's and more than a couple short fields for the steelers offense to work on which to me will result in a bigger margin of victory.

    steelers 34
    jizzets - 13
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2011