Kenbrell Or Rod

Discussion in 'Fantasy Football Advice' started by keemNicks, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. keemNicks

    keemNicks Team Veteran

    Deep WR, need someone on the bench, I picked up Rod Streater bc hes basically gonna be Oak's #1, but its Matt Flynn. Kenbrell looks like he might be Brady's wide out. I feel like I have to go Kenbrell right?
  2. RichLikeWh0a

    RichLikeWh0a Hermhater = Nemesis

    if you can get kenbrell then yeah, i don't think there is any real question in it.
  3. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Thompkins will have a very solid year.
  4. keemNicks

    keemNicks Team Veteran

    yeaaaaa real glad I picked up Kenbrell, showing some great chemistry with Tom right now, 5 catches on 6 targets for 83 yards. I like that
  5. ragman

    ragman Pro Bowler Fantasy Guru

    Couldn't get him in one of the leagues I'm in.:icon_frown:
  6. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Looking towards grabbing him in one of my leagues tomorrow...those that got him, what round did he go?
  7. ragman

    ragman Pro Bowler Fantasy Guru

    In the league I'm in, he didn't go until the 15th round. I wasn't even notified by Yahoo when the draft was. By the time I knew anything, the draft had already occurred.
  8. RichLikeWh0a

    RichLikeWh0a Hermhater = Nemesis

    anything prior to now isn't really going to be helpful as most people are starting to notice him now whereas many didn't before at all. it's just going to be a gamble of how hard people are on the train in that particular draft.
  9. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Yeah I know...just trying to get a gauge on where he went and then subtract a couple rounds...
  10. keemNicks

    keemNicks Team Veteran

    I actually picked him up as a FA. We did our draft Aug 12th, so noone really knew about him at the time.