[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPpH_iqI5i8]Kimbo Slice Annhiliates James Wade in his pro Boxing Debut - YouTube[/ame] Turn the sound off or the snitch saying "no way" 50 freaking times will make you want to puncture your ear drums.
Yea MMA was a bad step. He should have went straight to boxing. That's closer to what his backyard videos were anyways. The one time a guy tried MMA crap on him he got his butt kicked.
he'll only get thrown up against pugs again then someone will find a ringer and he'll get pwned again
Holy crap he just freaking killed that guy. I think Kimbo could become a world champion boxer. Dude has hands of freaking steel. But it's hard to have hands of steel when dudes knock you on the ground or kick you in the legs. None of that in boxing so no big deal! Besides, the boxing world needs something to latch onto. That could be it? I know it was August but we'll see!