Lol. Thumbs up for fan loalty. Thumbs down for promoting the most embarassing sports organization in porfessional sports.
That is just plain goobered. Tattooing 0-16 on yourself isn't fan loyalty, it is a cry for help. Seriously. Loyalty is continuing to follow your team season after season, not tattooing the worst moments in your franchise history on your body. What next, a Cubs fan tattooing Steve Bartman on their back?
Wowwwwwwwwwww. I mean, yeah, cool a fan is so into his team, I have friends with Niner tats, but wowwwwww. I never even considered getting like a 2-14 tat or Erickson/Nolans face inked on me.
Meh. I guess. Walnuts, I'll never tatoo 2-14 on me either, but we can both say that the Raiders got the better QB with their 1st overall picks.
We'll would be hard to be worse than Alex, but JaMarcus hasn't shown much more than Alex so far. We'll see...
I've got no problem with that, but I'm not stupid enough to memorialize the worst thing that could ever happen to my team on my body...
Dino's Pizza tattoo right next to it... :doh: I wonder what franchise has a bigger fan base: Dino's Pizza or the Detroit Lions?