This is the prediction of predictions! Lions beat the hapless Eagles this sunday 34-17...on the road no lees which makes it even crazier! This loss here will be the ultimate demise of the Eagles season, and mark the start of their decline to mediocrity. The game will be close into the 3rd quarter but then the Geritol will wear off and the rout will begin...just sayin. I didn't post this in smack because it is truth....but sometimes the truth hurts. Dawk! Sig bet? 1 week? :icon_suspicious: :beerfunnel: :beerfunnel::icon_cool: The Eagles old defense that has lost its identity will be over match by the combination of Roy Williams, Megatron, Furrey, and Macdonald...and the addition of Kevin Jones to the backfield will give these golden girls even more to worry about after tonight.
Not one cussword....pretty clean post....all facts personal attacks....still wanting to move or split topics TDJ? LMAO Eagles fans buy your tickets here to WITNESS!
You guys see me workin' here.....the window has slammed shut on the Eagles for happens to all good teams.... one season you wake up and your losing to the Lions by 21 and 0-3. I understand Dawk if you don't want a sig bet....I will hang something horrible on you next monday.:icon_evil: WAR OUT WITH THE OLD IN WITH THE NEW! Doom Industries! Take the bet Dawk! :icon_cool: :icon_cool:
I tend to agree with the thread title, but I'll bet you anyway. I can't make sigs, so do you want to make it a vCash bet instead? Whatever amount you want.
When I saw this thread yesterday I was like what Dawk don't take the bet...DON"T TAKE THE BET!!!!! The last thing we need to see is that freaking fat Andy Pillsbury's dough boy for a week.
Oh...I wouldn't go as soft as using that in my sig for dawk.....I have no interest in v-cash.....hanging an ugly sig on someone for a week is much more fun, but if u can't find someone to help you out with it we can just drop it....NBD. Something more along this line will work better. I will be very interested to see how the Eagles can stop a really creative offense like coach Martz''s nothing like that standard offense you've seen the last few weeks. Please place all sig bets here, and I will set up your own thread to keep them in. lol frost, LOD could make Dawk wear a Lion sig for a week, you never know what LOD will come up with..:shock:
I heard you guys are breaking out the throwback uni's for this game...if you guys wearing those ugly mother heckers isn't grounds enough for an butt whippin I don't know what is. :violent24: :violent03: :icon_slaughter:
They r as ugly as hell it makes no sense for this color because the whole eagles organization is green black and white and they come out with our 75th anniversy jersey and it ugly butt blue and stupid butt lookin yellow it doesnt make sense
They are wearing those colors because it's the Eagles color scheme from their very first year as the Eagles from 1933. They were the Franford Yellow Jackets before Philadelphia bought them. It's
That is the ugliest jerseys I've ever seen.I can't believe tradition or not,anyone would want their team wearing that.Uggg.The Gay Eagles will be the new team name in the league.