Ok, help me out here, because apparantly I'm so dumb, and you guys are the most smartest people in the universe. :fool: Is this a discussion thread or a smack thread? Thanks.
Thak you. Now my rant won't make any sense :icon_confused: Anyway...I think Emmitt Smith's game against the Giants in '93, you know, when he broke his shoulder, is ranked in the top 5. I don't know for sure because I can't open the link, but I rememer seeing the show on NFLN. That dude with the broken leg......that's just amazing :shock:
Remember this game like it was yesterday. Doesn't get much more embarrassing than getting torched by a QB hobbling on one foot.
What about when McNabb played in the Super Bowl through the puking. That was pretty "gutsy." I think one of the Youngblood's, Jack maybe, played 2 1/2 playoff games with a broken leg, one of them included the 1979 Super Bowl.