Basketball superstar Michael Jordan warned over smoking NAUGHTY boy . . . basketball superstar Michael Jordan puffs on a cigar atat Harding Park golf course in San Francisco in breach of anti-smoking rules. Jordan, a close friend of Tigers Woods, is acting as an honorary assistant to the US Presidents Cup golf team for the clash against the Internationals in San Francisco and has been "warned" about smoking on course. The San Francisco Chronicle published a photograph of Jordan puffing a cigar during a practice round at Harding Park golf course, a violation of San Francisco's smoking ban on public courses. Basketball superstar Michael Jordan warned over smoking | The Courier-Mail _________________________________________________________ Man screw San Fransisco. You can't smoke a cigar on a golf course...outside? Bullcrap. When is that abortion of a city going to drift off into the Pacific?
This crap is just ridiculous & only gonna get worse. Just waiting for the day that you can't smoke in your house.
I was on your guys side of this same argument about a year or so ago with SuperBeast. He made some pretty good arguments though, and the wild fire thing makes sense. They have designated places where you can smoke, but just not anywhere outside.
I don't buy that argument in this case hh. Yes it's a public course but it a course the PGA is taking care of. No wildfire danger there.
It's cool by me as long as they don't leave their nasty butts on the course. Looks like a wet chewed on piece of dog crap and I hate finding them on the greens.
I agree. Just chiming in on the whole smoking cigars on the course discussion mush. I've seen some buttholes do it and it's disgusting.
I understand the point of Cali fires but it's still more about careless fools who aren't going to become less careless cuz of a law. Besides, there's more reasons for a lot of those fires than tossed butts. It's just the layering of laws to address a tiny %age of the population who are the fools. Just like banning smoking in public places even when a lot have proper ventilation along with designated smoking sections. No smoking outside businesses. No smoking in bars even when the owners have decided to designate themselves as a smoking establishment due to their patrons. Hell, I can't even drive up to the school to pick up my daughter with a lit cigarette. Just Big Brother ratcheting up control with laws. When will it end? It won't...