July 15, 2012 - US Airways Center - Phoenix, Arizona Big Show vs. Kane vs. Chris Jericho vs. John Cena in a Money in the Bank ladder match for WWE Championship contract CM Punk (c) vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship with AJ as Special Guest Referee Damien Sandow vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Christian vs. Santino Marella vs. Tensai vs. other competitors yet to be determined in a Money in the Bank ladder match for World Heavyweight Championship contract
I like what they are doing with the WHC match, having lots of young guys in the match. The WWE championship match is reportedly set with only four entrants and frankly while it might end up as the main event it's a crapty use of the gimmick. Why not use the same formula to elevate someone in the midcard?
how times have changed tyson kidd in a title hunt. last time i watched wwe he wasnt even on tv anymore
This is the match that made me a Tyson Kidd fan: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-JtjJrlrLg]WWE NXT - Tyson Kidd vs Trent Barreta 08.23.2011 - YouTube[/ame]
Updated Card Big Show vs. Kane vs. Chris Jericho vs. John Cena in a Money in the Bank ladder match for WWE Championship contract CM Punk (c) vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship with AJ as Special Guest Referee Damien Sandow vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Christian vs. Santino Marella vs. Tensai vs. other competitors yet to be determined in a Money in the Bank ladder match for the World Heavyweight Championship contract Sheamus [c] vs Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship
Updated Card Big Show vs. Kane vs. Chris Jericho vs. John Cena in a Money in the Bank ladder match for WWE Championship contract CM Punk (c) vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship with AJ as Special Guest Referee Damien Sandow vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Christian vs. Santino Marella vs. Tensai vs. Cody Rhodes vs Dolph Ziggler in a Money in the Bank ladder match for the World Heavyweight Championship contract Sheamus [c] vs Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship
Kofi and R-Truth defeated Hunico & Camacho in the dark match. Show opened with the Smackdown money in the bank match. Dolph Ziggler (has to be one of the worst names WWE's come up with) won it after a uneventful match that saw some sloppy moves. A spotfest that didn't feel important. Sin Cara looks flat out unsafe to work with sometimes. Del Rio vs Sheamus up next.
Also: 1. The Miz came back and was added to the WWE title MITB match. 2. Bryan vs Punk is now a no-DQ match.
Sheamus defeats Del Rio. Slow match but some solid work from both guys. Ziggler came out to cash in on Sheamus who was beat up after the match but took a brogue kick before the cash in was made official.
Primo & Epico beat the Prime Time Playas. Decent showing with Primo really shining in the match. So far this PPV feels like an overglorified RAW, nothing special so far. Let's hope the Punk/Bryan no-DQ match saves this show.
Punk and Bryan had another excellent match. CM Punk wins after a top rope back suplex to Bryan on a table for the pinfall win. Ryback came out and beat Reks & Hawkins. First time they have let Ryback take a beating before he came back to dominate. Now we get a divas match....Layla, Kaitlyn & Tamina Snuka vs Beth Phoenix, Natalya & Eve in a six-woman tag match. As expected, the match sucked.
Results: Pre-Show: Kofi Kingston and R-Truth d. Camacho and Hunico Dolph Ziggler d. Damien Sandow, Tyson Kidd, Christian, Santino Marella, Tensai, Cody Rhodes & Sin Cara in a Money in the Bank ladder match for the World Heavyweight Championship contract Sheamus [c] d. Alberto Del Rio to retain the World Heavyweight Championship Primo & Epico d. The Prime Time Players CM Punk (c) d. Daniel Bryan in a a No Disqualification Match to retain the WWE Championship Ryback d. Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins Layla, Kaitlyn and Tamina Snuka defeated Beth Phoenix, Natalya and Eve John Cena d. Big Show, Kane, Chris Jericho & The Miz in a Money in the Bank ladder match for the WWE Championship contract For detailed results, go here
Main event match actually got a 'this is awful' chant. Super Cena wins again, what a shocker. People didn't miss much by passing this show up. WWE creative is an absolute mess right now.
as an outsider who just occasionally reads results now. if the E didnt have Punk/Bryan they'd be on a ROH level right now.
i actually enjoyed the ppv love ziggler winning and not really complaining about cena winning mitb rock said hes gonna come back soon and win the wwe championship can u imagine if cena cashed in on the rock and screwed him over would be good lets see if they do it the possibility of it being good is there
Don't understand why the match to get a shot at the title takes the main event spot from the actual title match. WWE is a joke.
Seven PPV's in raw where the WWE Champ CM Punk did not have the final match of the card. Someone explain to me how the WWE shows their title belts are important? Crap, the Heavyweight title match was the second one on the card last night. Then they had the Tag Team champs compete in a dark match, then had an unannounced match in the middle of the PPV for Primo & Epico vs The Prime Time Playas. WTF??? Who is booking this crap???