NFL Lockout Could Cause London Game To Be Cancelled

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by Sweets, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    The NFL's international series could be affected by a potential lockout. Plans for the league's annual London game might be derailed by the unresolved labor issue, according to FOX Sports. NFL vice president of international business Chris Parsons said the league would still like to have a 2011 game at Wembley Stadium. However, those plans could be called off unless a new collective bargaining agreement is worked out. "We are going through the preparation right now," Parsons said. "We are working with the scheduler to make sure if we do get the CBA done by a certain time that we will actually be able to execute that game. Normally we announce the game at this time of year, but we've chosen not to do that because of the uncertainty. We're going to hold out to play the game as long as possible.The closer it gets to the start of the season, the harder this gets to do." At this time, the teams haven't been determined. "The good thing is we've got teams that still want to go," Parsons said. "Teams that have gone have had good experiences, so we've seen some momentum from that."

    Source: National Football Post
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
  2. DontKnowMe

    DontKnowMe Anti-Social Networker

    If they can't play any games in the states, they damn sure better not try to play one in London.
  3. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    I second that ....
  4. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    Who need it anyway?
  5. Flacco2MasonTD

    Flacco2MasonTD ಠ_ಠ

    Oh dear god no, not that waste of time in London too :icon_rolleyes:
  6. marty264

    marty264 Team Veteran

    If the lockout lasts long enough to prevent the game in London, Goodell will probably do everything in his power to cancel the whole season.
  7. andy82

    andy82 Your Soul, It's Mine!

    Oh no, how ridiculous of them to expand overseas with an event that's sold out every year and increased global interest ten-fold :icon_rolleyes:. Believe it or not, there are people outside of the America and your buddies Canada and Mexico.

    Usually by this point the teams have already been confirmed and ticket sales would commence shortly. I can't say for everyone, but the majority have already conceded that the Wembley game isn't happening this year.
  8. UK 49er fan

    UK 49er fan Rookie

    I think I saw somewhere that Alister Kirkwood from NFLUK recently said something like that if the CBA is sorted by around mid April then there would be enough time to schedule in a London game. If the CBA drags out much longer than that then there would not likely be another London game until 2012.
  9. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    Would you like to have Premier Leauge games at the US?
  10. UK 49er fan

    UK 49er fan Rookie

    Not answering for Andy, but for me personally I wouldn't care in the slightest. Even if that meant my team losing a home game.

    But then to balance that each Premier League team do play many more home games per season than an NFL team does, so losing one doesn't have the same impact.

    I understand where the upset on the part of the home teams fans come from when their side gives up a home game to play at Wembley. That said I have been to all the London games and will continue to take advantage of going for as long as they continue to be played. I'd be stupid not to really. I cannot afford to go to the US for a live game every year, as much as I'd prefer to.

    I take it you're not one of the many who travel from Germany to the London game each year?. Would you go to it if an IS game was played in Germany?.
  11. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    lol...that's a shame...
  12. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    Nope, never even thougt about going to London for a game and not going to do so, even if the Packers playing.
    I'm not sure if I would go to a game over here, but I don't think so. I'm not going to support Goodells global dreams and yes, I'm still pissed he pulled the plug on the NFLE :icon_mrgreen:
  13. UK 49er fan

    UK 49er fan Rookie

    On a similar subject, do you reckon there is any truth in the rumor that, separate from the international series, the Steelers are going to give up a game to play one in Dublin.

    I heard that their ownership are really pushing it due to the US ambassador to Ireland connection. But like I said all I've seen are snippets and rumors, nothing definite.
  14. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    I'm all for giving a preseason game over seas. Not a big deal at all, but a regular game takes away from the advantage every team gets 8 times a year.
  15. andy82

    andy82 Your Soul, It's Mine!

    Wouldn't bother me in the slightest. Not because I don't care for soccer, but the fact that the majority of the Premier League stadiums are half empty anyway.

    In my eyes, a very good percentage of Americans dislike global expansion because they don't want their sport to become international and shared with the world, not because they feel bad for those who can't attend the home game or any other logical reason. After all, how does a single game overseas effect the American public outside the 0.001% that attend regularly and have season tickets?