NFL Won't Discipline Titans SS Bernard Pollard For 'Kill' Comment

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans' started by SRW, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    The NFL will not discipline Titans safety Bernard Pollard for using the term "kill" in a recent newspaper interview, according to ESPN.

    Pollard recently said: "Our goal is the Super Bowl, and our mission is to kill," Pollard told The Tennessean. "And if someone doesn't like it, then who cares? I really couldn't care less. It is not our responsibility to make anyone else happy, to please you, to care about you."

    Pollard also pointed to that message in print, on a piece of paper taped on his locker.

    Pollard has been outspoken about the NFL's stance on limiting hits to the head, stating that he won't change the way he plays. However, the reason he won't be fined for using the term "kill" is because, according to ESPN, it was determined Pollard did not mean the term literally and was using a figure of speech.

    It was also relayed to the league office that Pollard would choose his words more carefully in the future.

  2. JEMicklos

    JEMicklos Captain

    The NFL is turning into a joke with this kind of sh!t
  3. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Because its not the literal sense of the word...unless, of course, you are Aaron Hernandez...

    JCBRAVE The opposite of a Rookie

    Pollard is now my favorite Titans player, which is a tragedy considering he was on my 2 least favorite teams before joining the Titans. But we were just that bad last year so he's my guy, Ive actually liked this guy for years, so when we landed him, I was ecstatic.

    I love when Pollard talks, he's very energetic, can't wait for his next interview to come out.