Nike has released images of the new Pro Bowl uniforms, and, well ... the college football-ization of the NFL has begun. Gone are the traditional "National" and "American" divisions; in their place will be new captain-selected teams across both conferences Source: Yahoo Sports DontKnowMe's Take: :bad: What were they thinking?
Subliminal marketing of the Oregon Uni's too. As much as the Pro Bowl stunk, at least it was based off a legitimate divide between the players. This draft thing just seems like a lazy, desperate ploy that will do jackcrap to boost the game. Move the game back to post-Superbowl and have the winners play a "rest of NFL" all star team. Bam, something for players to prove, and some legitimacy to the game.
I saw a quote somewhere that said these were like the uniforms Oregon and Oregon State didn't want. I think that's pretty accurate.
I wish they'd take that 49er helmet off that hideous uni.. looks ridiculous. Almost like Aldon Smith sneezed gak all over himself