ok so my league draft is coming up and i snagged the 3rd overall pick is a ppr league were you start 1 qb 2 rb 2 wr 1 te 1 flex (wr/rb/te) def k scoring is 6pts td's 1 pt every 10 rush rec yrds 1 ppr 1 pt every 25 passing yards so i pretty much got my mind set on jones drew figuring cj and ap are going 1 and 2 but ray rice is also a tempting offer not to mention frank gore although not sold on gore staying healthy and getting the td's i need for a number 3 pick. so basically asking your guys opinions on the 3rd pick do you like jones drew or ray rice or maybe someone im not thinking off.. intentions are to draft rb 1st rnd then grab 2 wr in the 2nd n 3rd
Im partial to Gore, epecially this year. But your worrie with him are justified Rice is the way to go IMO