Packers Stock Sale To Start By End Of 2011 If NFL Approves

Discussion in 'Green Bay Packers' started by Sweets, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    The Green Bay Packers will hold a stock sale before the end of the year if they receive the necessary approvals according to Richard Ryman of the Green Bay Press-Gazette. “It requires NFL approval and we are hopeful to receive that by the end of October. There are some different financial regulations (than with the last sale) and we are working through that,â€￾ team spokesman Aaron Popkey said. “We would hope to have an offering yet this fall.â€￾ Because the Packers would use money from the sale as they did last time — for physical improvements of the stadium, not operating expenses — they believe they will get NFL approval, Popkey said. During the last offering, in 1997-98, the organization sold shares at $200 each. It raised $24 million. “We are hopeful we would sell in the neighborhood of at least what we did last time,â€￾ Popkey said.

    Source: The Redzone