Polamalu Uncertain About Playing Again This Season

Discussion in 'Pittsburgh Steelers' started by Crowned, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Polamalu uncertain about playing again this season - NFL - Yahoo! Sports
  2. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    Surely they can beat the Browns without him...
  3. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    this sucks.
  4. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    Do you really think you will lose to the Browns without him Crowned?

    Or were you just saying that you might lose if Tomlin benches some of the starters?
  5. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    I think we can lose to the Browns because of the way our defense is playing period. They hung around the first we played them. Troy was going to sit this game regardless, if we don't get him back against GB and for the rest of the season we won't be making the playoffs and if we do it will be a short stay. Our secondary is terrible without Troy.
  6. reigningblkngold

    reigningblkngold Minister of defense

    This is not good for us we need him for greenbay and baltimore!
  7. pctrips

    pctrips Pro Bowler

    This is definitely a different defense without Troy....that's obvious.
  8. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    Well I hope it all works out for you guys.

    Doesn't really look like this is gonna be another SB year though.
  9. cover the spread

    cover the spread beastin'

    Damn, hope he's ready to play by then. He's a great player to watch and he makes everyone on that defense better.
  10. Flacco2MasonTD

    Flacco2MasonTD ಠ_ಠ

    It'll be interesting to see whether or not he gets leaned on the play down the stretch - I think you guys are in about the same boat we (Baltimore) is in that even if they do manage make the playoffs it'll likely be one and done. I know it's too soon to 'write off' the season but the focus should be on Troy's overall career longevity rather than robbing Peter to pay Paul for an improbable playoff run that likely won't yield much. Thats how I see it anyhow.
  11. warcrychief

    warcrychief Ur just da assistant Pimp

    i knew Troy was a play maker. but damn! no1 can do anything on that D without him in that secondary.
  12. Matt314hew

    Matt314hew Mr. Impossible

    The secondary is crap. We need a CB who can cover and not just make a play here and there.

    I think he came back too quickly from the first injury and they are taking it slower this time. Plus, we have to look at his career over this season. We need him on the Defense.
  13. Texxx

    Texxx Special Teamer

    It sounds like the Steelers season is done if this is true.
  14. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    IR his fragile butt.

    they suck, but they wont lose to the browns, maybe not again in our life time
  15. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    They won't make the playoffs this season. They're not playing good enough to do it. They've got one more clunker in them before this season is over. Troy's not the reason they are losing. You can't put it on one player with this team and it's arguable that the loss of Aaron Smith is bigger than the loss of Troy Polamalu.
  16. Matt314hew

    Matt314hew Mr. Impossible

    So true. When my father-in-law said that Troy was the reason for the Loss to Cincy in Pittsburgh, I told him that Troy doesn't play offense and the offense couldn't get it going.

    While you look at the stat with troy playing we are 4-0 and without him we are 2-6. That makes it look like we need him to win. But I don't think we end up winning all the games we lost (maybe KC and Oakland) if he was playing.

    I see us winning 2 of the 4 for sure and possibly 3 of 4. But we need to run the table to get in the playoffs and I just don't see it happening this year.
  17. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    not arguably...he most definitely is a bigger loss imo

    idk how ANYONE can say i see the steelers winning 3 or 4 of the next 4....what have they done to show you that?

    all i know is they wont lose to the browns, browns fear them. its not being a homer, i called the KC loss
  18. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I called the Raiders loss...unfotunately...

    I don't think they'll win 3 of the last 4...like I said, I think they've got a clunker left. You know it's bad when Polamalu leads this team in interceptions with 3 after playing in only 5 of 12 games..., his replacement is second with 2. WTF is that...
  19. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    2 in ONE game lol

    im thinking our draft pick is gonna be SICK this year, maybe i wont be so pissed off this time, of course they will probably trade them away to move down
  20. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    Just let him heal heal up until hes 100% the steelers chances dont look good right now anyway.