Gwinnett police said they are investigating a rape allegation during a party at the home of Atlanta Falcon's wide receiver Harry Douglas the fourth but officers said Douglas is not a suspect. Investigators said Douglas was hosting a party at his house Wednesday night and was present in the house during the time of the alleged rape. Police are searching for a man who was with the victim at the time of the alleged rape. "Apparently there was a party at the location. There was some drinking. The female had then fallen asleep. When she awoke, it was apparent that there was some sort of sexual intercourse with her. She immediately left the house (and) went to another location. She called police and we responded," said Gwinnett County Police Cpl. David Schiralli. Source:
C'Mon guys, If it is proven Douglas knew about this then crucify him, but if he cooperates with the police and this happened without his knowledge then he should not be disciplined
Dude civil and criminal are completely different you remember OJ?...civil you need 2/3 of the jury criminal you really have to prove the party's guilt...if he cooperates and the police don't charge him then he should not be punished, and I'm not 100% convinced she could win in a civil suit....we have no knowledge of evidence at this point, just an accusation and an invetigation.
Dude you can win a suit against Mcdonalds for getting fat. She would win a civil suit just because the party was held at his house. So it's gonna prob cost him money. I don't think he should or will be disciplined by the league though.
maybe if they eventually find proof of rape...but until the facts come out don't convict anyone yet....remember Duke lacrosse...and for the record I'm not suggesting she didn't get raped either, we just have no nfacts to judge.
Ditto Harvs posts. The Duke lacrosse example is spot on. KEYWORD in this story: allegation. Everclear. You wouldn't know if you'd been hecked by a man, woman or porcupine.