Raiders WR Darius Heyward-Bey Expected To Return Next Week.

Discussion in 'Oakland Raiders' started by -Scar-, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. -Scar-

    -Scar- Doomship Commander-In-Chi

    Raiders rookie wide receiver Darrius Heyward-Bey returned for offseason workouts this week but his right hamstring is not ready to go. All he could do was stand there and watch his teammates practice during an open-media session Wednesday. So goes a slow start for the fastest player in the NFL draft. "There's some soreness in there," Raiders coach Tom Cable said. "We don't want to chance it so we're going to leave it alone. His learning is good. He's a very bright guy, but that doesn't ever account for the reps that are needed. So we'll get him back to work next week."

    Source:David White, San Francisco Chronicle
  2. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    Instead of watching your teammates warm up and get reps, how about doing something productive. Like learning the playbook so you can help the team sooner rather than later.
  3. Daddy Primetime42

    Daddy Primetime42 TheNationWillRiseAgain

    he has to watch them if they are on the field, you go over the playbook on your own time. I love the fact that my team is under the microscope heck even through OTAs who else is being watched this closely I hope all you heckers who are rooting for us to fail, Get back in here in couple of months and admit you are wrong. MJ and everybody else including the stupid experts.
  4. russian.tank

    russian.tank BruceAlmighty2010

    Better injured now than during the season.
  5. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    Dude you need to learn to smoke some weed and calm down. He could bring his playbook to watch what plays are run and see how it is donw on a professional level. I never once said I was rooting for the Raider to fail so stop assuming you know what people want.
  6. Daddy Primetime42

    Daddy Primetime42 TheNationWillRiseAgain

    crap you dont have to say it, But all the crap you talk every freaking jab you throw, says otherwise. You seem to know so much about the OTAs who are trying out for?
  7. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    Dude if you don't like what I have to say but me on your ignor list otherwise deal with it and deal with your paranoia that everyone is dogging the Raiders. DHB should be doing more than just sitting there watching. Not just for himself, but for his team. Again stop assuming that I want the Raiders to fail, you have plenty of people for that already kiddo.
  8. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Where's it say he's not studying his playbook? And there's nothing said about who he is standing with. At least he is with the team and not sitting at home...
  9. Daddy Primetime42

    Daddy Primetime42 TheNationWillRiseAgain

    Paranoia? its the truth any Raider fan could tell you the same OH except for axxion Jackson who is the "Realist" Raiders fan. Now why would i put you in the Ignore list,Like the Joker said, "your just to much fun". If anything if you dont like my responses to your lame insights then stop responding to my posts. Its just as easy as that. If not just deal with it.
  10. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Somehow I doubt if DHB is just sitting there doing nothing, most teams don't allow that anyway, either you do something out there or in the training room, I thought I read somewhere that he was catching passes etc., just not in the actual game type of plays.