Rate My Draft

Discussion in 'Fantasy Football Advice' started by ball in the baskett, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    Just finished my first draft of the year im pretty pleased with it. I dont think its a ppr league though.

    Tell me what you think.

    Qb big ben
    RB Michael turner
    RB clinton portis
    WR andre johnson
    WR brandon marshall
    WR antonio bryant
    TE kellen winslow
    defense redskins

    qb jjake delehome
    RB reggie bush
    RB felix jones
    WR bernard berrian
    WR steve smith(giants)
  2. theeraser21

    theeraser21 u r a slapdick

    it seems too good to be true. Love the Steve Smith Giants pick. Your backs are ok, receivers great. Your bench is unstoppable. Great draft!!!!!
  3. Lord_Joe

    Lord_Joe Smiley Bugger

    are you not worried by the carries of Turner/Portis?

    how did you get Turner, Portis and Johnson? I have them all as 1st rounders.

    Im not a fan of brandon marshall this year. Kyle Orton's fault.

    Kellen Winslow will be great with "Checkdown" McCown as the QB, if Freeman comes in Bryant will be good too.

    Jake Delhomme will frustrate you no end. You'll bench him, hell throw for 350 yards and 3 TDs. next week you start him and he'll throw 4 INTs and 120 yards. risky.

    What round did you get them all in?
  4. DaBearsrule4ever

    DaBearsrule4ever Hall Of Famer

    Not a bad draft at all.
  5. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    Did you draft against kinder garden students? No way you get Portis, Turner and Andre Johnson in the same draft.
  6. Lord_Joe

    Lord_Joe Smiley Bugger

    either young children, or patriots fans. Patriot fans are notoriously bad drafters.
  7. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    I don't like Marshall either. And I question having 2 Bucs receivers on you team too. You have to tell us how you pulled that trio off...
  8. Lord_Joe

    Lord_Joe Smiley Bugger

    unless it was a keeper league and he kept a pair of them.
  9. russian.tank

    russian.tank BruceAlmighty2010

    Not big on the Redskins defense very much.
  10. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    How many teams are in the league? I can see Johnson and Portis OR Turner, but not all three...wow.

    I like your backs and receivers. QB you're okay. Winslow is still a Top 10 TE. It will be interesting to see what he does in Tampa. With the players you got, I'd figure you could get a better defense. All in all...pretty damn good...
  11. DoubleC

    DoubleC i'm ready now...

    Beside Jones, I'm not thrilled about your bench.
    I guess every other GM in the league had that kind of "great" team.
  12. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    Yea i was very surprised that i got all 3 as well. The people in the league were drafting really weird. The first pick of the draft was a packers fan taking aaron rodgers that says it all.
  13. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    round 1 turner
    round 2 andre johnson
    round 3 clinton portis

    The people in there were drafting weird

    it was on nfl.com and the rankings were weird i dident go by there rankings
  14. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    Its a 12 team league i wouldent be surprised if the people were in kindergarten the picks made it seem like that lol. I dont have a good defense cause they kept picking them and i waited until the almost the very end.
  15. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    heres the first 3 rounds

    1 aaron rodgers lol packers fan
    2 drew brees
    3 adrian peterson
    4 peyton manning
    5 me turner
    6 deangalo williams
    7 tom brady
    8 matt ryan another weird pick
    9 matt forte
    10 chris johnson
    11 rivers
    12 kurt warner

    7 qbs in the first round wtf


    1 romo
    2 jones drew
    3 randy moss
    4 larry fitzgerald
    5 mcnabb (this league loves takeing qbs early)
    6 slaton
    7 LT
    8 me andre johnson
    9 cutler
    10 gore
    11 calvin johnson
    12 schaub


    1 westbrook
    2 steven jackson
    3 barber
    4 ravens D ( really with portis on the board)
    5 me portis
  16. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Is the league weighted heavy in QB stats? That's goobered...no offense...
  17. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    Ill just dominate the league for fun dont really care for it. I have 2 leagues with gif going anyway. One that i made that you guys are in and one keeper league that krain made.
  18. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    who draft in june seriously
  19. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    I needed to do something football related.

    Im only doing 3 leagues this one just for fun and 2 gif leagues and those drafts will be in august and september.
  20. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Matt Schaub needs to show up big this year or Johnson's numbers will drop. How is their Oline anyway?