Havent seen a live crowd like tonight in a long time made raw that much more enjoyable. So many funny chants and they went nuts for zigglers cash in which was awesome for him he deserved it. Anyone else watch raw and what was your favorite chant. I thought it was great that they were humming fandangos theme song as a unit lol
This crowd needs to be inducted into the hall of fame thats how good they were. Cherry on top of the cake. As the crowd was leaving the parking lot they were playing the fandango theme song with their car horns..................that is awesome.
The mexican wave was hilarious............We are awesome chants were great. Fandango humming was good.
absolutely! That gave me goosebumps and its very rare I get goosebumps watching wrestling and I have never been so excited to see a zig zag it was just great. So happy for Ziggler.
Orton and Sheamus wrestled for 15:00 and nobody in that crowd cared. They entertained themselves all night. It was if the entire IWC was in attendance. Smarks all over.
Every year the crowd AFTER Wrestlemania is awesome. They need to stop having it in open air arenas. They need to capture the noise.
Why is it always the Raw post Wrestlemania crowd that is amazing? Miami's crowd last year the day after WM was awesome too.
Its usually full of "smart marks" Its typically the one show a year where the IWC fans outnumber the casual fans
The crowd was expected to be so awesome and Punk was expected to get such a HUGE pop they kept him off the show!