Local radio here is talking about it, ill keep you updated: Strahan and Carter Landry and Taylor Springs and Smoot SUPER and BOWL
Is it just the sports talk radio guys suggesting it, or did they say someone in the Redskins organization has mentioned it.
I think I found something: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/03/01/AR2007030101660.html Article is old, but it does say that the Redskins were interested in Strahan.
I remember when they signed Bruce Smith, Jeff George, and Deion Sanders all in the same offseason and still went 8-8 in 2000.
I tried to forget it, you reminded, I won't thank you:icon_razz: As for this, sports jocks always throw stuff out there like this, I don't see it happening and would hate it if it did. The Skins remaining cap room should be spent on one thing, signing Chris Cooley to a contract extension asap.
Just thought i'd throw out a move by your great owner Daniel Synder that backfired. :icon_cheesygrin:
Good find, it must be coming back into thought, or it could be true. Yeah I agree, I will be super pissed if they don't give him an extension.