San Francisco 49ers OLB Aldon Smith Faces Felony Weapons Charges

Discussion in 'San Francisco 49ers' started by ICECOLD, Oct 9, 2013.


    ICECOLD 1st Stringer

    Sources told the NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit the Santa Clara County District Attorney has filed three felony charges of possession of assault weapons against 49ers All-Pro Linebacker Aldon Smith. The charges stem from a 2012 house party hosted by Smith where he was stabbed and two others were shot.


    ICECOLD's Take: The hits keep coming for the guy
  2. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    harbaugh said this week that smith's rehab is going well. hopefully aldon can get his life together before it's too late.
  3. TheSnowman

    TheSnowman #1 Trap Star

    It might already be, given these charges
  4. codatious99

    codatious99 cheese head

    you go from being on a great team and getting ready for a monster contract and you heck it all up for parties and guns.... wow..... i hope he rehabs himself out of the nfl, what a joke
  5. DaBearsrule4ever

    DaBearsrule4ever Hall Of Famer

    A damn good player with a low IQ.
  6. Walnuts

    Walnuts All-Pro

    Legal guns where they were purchased, all they have to do is show that he did not bring them to CA when he moved knowing that they were illegal. He'll get a slap on the wrist.
  7. codatious99

    codatious99 cheese head

    hes def going to get a slap on the wrist.

    but a hosting a house party where you get stabbed and two others get shot, damn aldom smith just foucus on football for like 8 years then retire with 100 mill in the bank then go gun house party it up after that.
  8. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    Eh, we will see. This may only be probation. If he can get clean. Get off the booze and drugs and find a new set of friends, it may not be too late for him. Its a longshot but he's still got a chance
  9. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    talk about a joke...Didn't Jolly come back?