Yeah, so my brother made a couple, he works at a car place and they have a sticker machine, I have one but I don't know whether to use it or not cause I like it a lot, anyways, here it is:
That's pretty damn cool, man. You should put it on your car (if you haven't already... doesn't look like it's stuck to the window). Too bad you can't get those suckers mass-produced and then donate the profits, that would be awesome.
Yeah my bro said it would be around $50 considering the material and everything they use, but he could make a smaller one for $30, that's if you're interested.
thats not really reasonable prices but i def understand, maybe u could sell ur idea to a company near DC or something though, u'd get good money and theyd be able to make mass amounts for cheaper
Well to be honest, it kind of is, the material and stuff they use isn't cheap at all, and considering they don't have a like mass production thing considering it's just a single store, they gotta ask for what they do you know.
yeah that makes total since. but that is a nice sticker man. i wouldn't have a car to put it on though :boohoo:
Be careful.. if the NFL gets wind of this, they will be knockin on your door for using the Skins image without permission.... just saying, if they are going to flip out about people watching Packers games at theaters, I can imagine what they would say about this.