Start sit wk 5

Discussion in 'Fantasy Football Advice' started by BlackGPGT, Oct 7, 2016.

  1. BlackGPGT

    BlackGPGT DP only 17

    Im mainly torn on crowell/johnson

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  2. Kurt

    Kurt That Server Guy Staff Member Fantasy Guru

    lucky for you DJ posted an unreal game.. so you can play Duke who appears to have a better floor since he should get you 6 or 7 catches.
  3. BlackGPGT

    BlackGPGT DP only 17

    I feel cleveland is going to try running alot to control clock though. I see your point and have that thought too. Might be overthinking like in other league where i benched fitz because of stanton
  4. Kurt

    Kurt That Server Guy Staff Member Fantasy Guru

    Duke / Crowell are getting about even touches the last two week... but I think you already said they will end up passing a lot playing from behind so....
  5. BlackGPGT

    BlackGPGT DP only 17

    You are correct that I said. In Kurt I trust
  6. Kurt

    Kurt That Server Guy Staff Member Fantasy Guru

    Just because you said that Crow will make me eat crow.. posting 140 yards for 3 TD
  7. BlackGPGT

    BlackGPGT DP only 17

    So far this season anything that seems like a no brainer for me has backfired lol. There is so much hype with brady back that they are going to destroy the Browns but probably will end up a close grind out game.
  8. Kurt

    Kurt That Server Guy Staff Member Fantasy Guru

    YOU ARE CORRECT - I'm not bitting

    But I really like the NYG/GB game for GPP -

    I started the season with $100 - entered week 4 up to $400 - I liked the ATL/CAR game a lot - and really liked the Newton / Ben stack - i liked it some much i laid $300 on the table - we all know how that worked out
    BlackGPGT likes this.
  9. BlackGPGT

    BlackGPGT DP only 17

    Ya you k
    Ya you killed it. Killed your wallet lol
    Kurt likes this.
  10. Kurt

    Kurt That Server Guy Staff Member Fantasy Guru

    we're about see if ATL is REAL this week...
  11. ragman

    ragman Pro Bowler Fantasy Guru

    I doubt if Julio will go off for 300 yards this week.

    BTW, I just saw that the Panthers cut CB Bene Benwikere today. He was the one that was supposed to cover Julio last weekend.
    Kurt likes this.