Stuck In A Rut: No Parity In 2012?

Discussion in 'NFL Writer's Block' started by CaptainStubing, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    We are heading into December and it's time to start looking at playoff positioning. As I was looking at the standings and remaining schedules yesterday, something jumped out to me. Things looked very similar to how they looked last year.

    In fact, if the season ended today, 9 of the 12 playoff teams would be repeat participants from last year, and the only 3 'new' teams were all in the playoffs in 2010, so they would return after only a short, 1 year hiatus.

    It got me thinking, which is always dangerous, so I then looked at the bottom dwellers this year in comparison to the last couple of years and, yes, it looks like for the most part the same teams are hanging out at the bottom of the league the past few years.

    So, it begs the question, why is this happening? The NFL had always prided itself on having 'new' teams play every year in January, which kept the hope alive for every fan base in the league.

    I have a theory .............. I would attribute most of this to the lockout/new CBA. Leading up to the lockout and immediately after the new CBA, teams weren't sure what was going to happen so they were standing pat prior to, during, and immediately after the new CBA, which has created somewhat of an 'idle movement' in the league.

    Now that things are settled down, I would expect things to start moving/changing again soon. Does this theory have any traction? Other thoughts?
  2. codatious99

    codatious99 cheese head

    im thinking it has to do with how the first round draft picks used to get paid

    bad teams that have been drafting high had to shell out big bucks every year

    now that they have that wage scale i think it will even things out a bit salary cap wise

    franchise qbs have another thing to do with it when returning playoff teams keep coming back they usually have a good qb
  3. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    this is a good point. qb's are more important than they've ever been due to rule changes/evolution of the game so if you've got the qb, then you're in the playoffs regularly.
  4. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    it's barely december and 4 teams have already clinched playoff berths, and 3 of those have already clinched their division..........

    Indy, Pittsburgh and Seattle's upset victories clearly puts them in the drivers seat for wild card spots and barring something bizarre happening we pretty much know the 12 playoff teams already.

    it's not looking like there's going to be a lot of drama in december ........... hopefully january makes up for it.
  5. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    well, 8 of the 10 teams that have already clinched were in the playoffs last season and the other 2 (indy and seattle) were in the playoffs the year before.

    but either the skins/cowboys will be in and that's a change .......... and the vikes could make it, which would be new.
  6. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    I like that we have some unexpected teams in the dance. Kudos to the Colts and Bengals for punching their tickets.