"Take The Vehicle, I Have 10 More!"

Discussion in 'Basketball Talk' started by 86WARD, Apr 10, 2011.

  1. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Former Philadelphia 76ers star Allen Iverson went to a curse-laden tirade against police officers last week, according to new media reports. New details emerging from the Atlanta area indicate an Iverson friend was driving the Lamborghini with Iverson as a passenger. Allen Iverson reportedly had some choice words for an Atlanta police officer when he was pulled over in his Lamborghini. The officer said Iverson went on a profanity filled rant when he was told the 2009 vehicle was being impounded in Buckhead. Media reports in Atlanta cite the official police report, which details Iverson's antics when he was told the car would be towed. "I'm the (expletive) passenger," Iverson reportedly said. "Take the vehicle, I have 10 more," Iverson said, according to the report. "Police don't have anything else (expletive) to do except (expletive) with me." He then asked, "Do you know who I am?" "For the next 20 minutes, Mr. Iverson went on and on about who he was. I stated to Mr. Iverson, 'It really doesn't matter who you are. You tried to conceal your vehicle with a fake drive-out tag due to you not paying for your tags,' " the report says. Iverson responded, "I make more money than you will in 10 years."

    Source: MyFoxPhilly
  2. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    what a stupid jackass