Would you pick up Watkins? I would have to drop either Crowder (likely) or Kupp. Team #3: - (TD Heavy, 14 Teams): 1 QB, 1 RB, 1 WR, 2 FLEX, 1 TE, 1 K, 1 DEF Passing: 4 pts/TD - 5 if >40 yds, 3 pts 300-399 yds, 6 pts 400-499 yds, 10 pts >500 yds. Rushing & Receiving: 6 pts/TD, 9 pits/TD >40 yds, 1 pt 50-99 yds, 3 pts 100-199 yds, 6 pts 200+ >yds Starters: QB - Watson, RBs - Howard, Kamara, WRs - Kupp, Goodwin TE - Burton, K - Gano, DEF - DEN Bench: QB - Goff, RBs - Clement, Wilkins, WR - Mike Wms., Crowder, TE - Kroft, K - McManus, DEF - CHI
I worry that Watkins will be boom or bust this season. But then again KC's defense is horrible so they will be passing a lot most weeks. Crodwer has been disappointing.. 8 targets in 2 games, time to move on https://fantasyknuckleheads.com/nfl-target-stats/?pos=wr&tyear=18&week=ytd