I have noticed that one thing our Blog authors struggle with is a good headline that grabs the reader's attention to your entry. Here's a great article (used with permission) that will help in giving you all some tips on how to improve your headlines: 10 Tips to an Awesome, Eye-Jerking Post Title Here are some more articles to check out on this: The Sexy Art of Writing Headlines that Kill Learn How To Instantly Create Powerful Headlines! How To Write Headlines That Kill - PuttingBlogsFirst How to write blog headlines that make people click
Some more info on this topic for bloggers to check out: Writing Headlines That Get Results | Copyblogger
i think i speak for everyone in saying that we've been asking for our blog entries to be edited. Why don't you just edit the articles to what they should be? I wouldn't care if you changed the headline or some of the text of one of my blogs and I don't think anyone else would either as long as the main point of the blog entry remains in place.