Tonight's draft

Discussion in 'Fantasy Football Advice' started by SNPokc, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. SNPokc

    SNPokc DEZ NUTS 2016 Premium Member


    Here's my draft I just completed. Ppr, 6pt TDs 10 teams
  2. Kurt

    Kurt That Server Guy Staff Member Fantasy Guru

    if you don't win I'll crap my pants - outstanding!
    SNPokc likes this.
  3. Kurt

    Kurt That Server Guy Staff Member Fantasy Guru

    one more time, WOW
    SNPokc likes this.
  4. Greg Brosh

    Greg Brosh Local Eagles Fan Fantasy Guru

    agreed. excellent value at the backend of your draft.
    SNPokc likes this.
  5. SNPokc

    SNPokc DEZ NUTS 2016 Premium Member

    Couldn't believe how this draft went down, 2nd round I was making plans on which WR I was going to take next, when my pick finally came up I looked back at the whole list and I saw graham still took him right away. Same thing happened will Ball. I was about to take Julio and then saw Ball in the 3rd had to change strategy from upside down really quick. Someone took Romo in the 3rd, still haven't figured that one out.

    My only mistake I felt iI did, but it didn't hurt me was Wallace over Williams. I wanted Williams in the Wallace spot but I skimmed over his name and right when i clicked draft I noticed he was still there but I still got him in the next round. So I might have gotten someone else over Wallace where I got williams
  6. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Bishop Sankey that late? Could be a steal for you. I wound up with him but had to spend a 4th-Round Pick on him.
  7. SNPokc

    SNPokc DEZ NUTS 2016 Premium Member

    Yeah, nothing really makes sense about this draft. Most of the players I took were at least a round after their ADP
  8. Walnuts

    Walnuts All-Pro

    What the...thats incredible, even for a 10 teamer. Nice work (and obviously a lot of just WOW luck)!! Some lucky drops up top and some sick value late, great draft top to bottom. Without even seeing the other rosters Id be shocked if you arent the best team by a considerable margin when its all said and done. Stoked!
    SNPokc likes this.